If you too, you have the swing, that expatriation tempts you but you do not dare to cross the course, then we give you 10 good reasons to leave abroad that may be able to help you to decide. All of these 10 elements are real reasons for expatriation, but decision-making must be carefully considered. Expatriation is also a risk-taking process, so it is up to you to prepare for it.Do not forget that for a successful expatriation, it is essential to subscribe to international health insurance.
Mastering a foreign language
“Fluent English”: who did not dream of writing this mention on his resume and that it is true? Many people enroll “current English” without necessarily managing a conversation.
With an expatriation, the question will no longer arise. This is the opportunity to work and perfect a foreign language, if not many. Depending on the country, you can learn the local language (an obligation if you want to integrate) and English which remains the most widely spoken language in the world, whether with your professional life or by meeting other foreign expatriates.
If you really want to progress, a tip: do not stay that between you.
Feed your Resume
We talked about it in the previous point, the foreign language is already a more consistent on your resume. But experience in itself represents an enrichment on the professional level and it speaks volumes about your personality. This shows that you are mobile, open-minded, that change does not scare you, qualities highly sought after by recruiters.
Seizing new career opportunities
Employment in France is not good anymore and some countries are more likely to prove themselves to people with atypical backgrounds or just too young to take up positions of responsibility in France. Ready to invest fully in their work. If you are unemployed, or young graduate, then going abroad can allow you to find a job more easily. If it is your employer who proposes to you to expatriate for the job, it is probably to propose a position with more responsibilities or to evolve in the hierarchy. Jump on the occasion! To refuse would be to deprive yourself of an incredible opportunity to accelerate your career.
A more attractive salary
If you have the opportunity to leave as an expatriate for your business, then you will surely benefit from a very comfortable salary in addition to accommodation on site If you are going for a personal and professional experience, you may have the opportunity to find an identical job better paid but check the cost of living in the country before heading into your project. Consider taking into account the cost of rent and housing which in some countries are higher than in France.
Opening up to new cultures
In expatriation, it is a whole new culture that you will discover! Starting with the language, history, customs, food and customs of the chosen country. It is an opportunity to take a new look at the world, to understand situations differently. You will surely experience new experiences that will open up new horizons and change your approach to certain situations. People will not necessarily think the same way you do. Being open will allow you to better understand this new culture and to adapt better.
Meet new people
To leave is to make new friends. It is an opportunity to exchange, learn and enrich each other. Whether with local people or foreign expatriates, the more open and social you are, the more you will make new friends. Arriving in a new country will force you to be more open. Conversely, you will also learn to go out alone because you will necessarily have evenings where you will not know what to do. This is another way of discovering places and eventually making encounters too.
Changing landscape and climate
To find the pleasure of activities after your work day: surfing, sport, beach … Why not take the opportunity of a holiday life all the year? The living environment and the weather play a lot on morale. The problems of everyday life will be quickly erased if behind you have an idyllic life: sun, nature. On the other hand, sometimes what one has idealized all his life turns out not to match us. So analyze your priorities carefully before choosing your destination. Expatriation is not an innocuous decision that one takes overnight.
Open your mind to your children
We speak of enrichment for you but if you have a family, it is the opportunity for your children to take advantage of this cultural mix, to learn several languages. This experience that they will live in another country will allow them an openness that will serve them all their lives.
Only the return to France can be difficult, be cut off from friends on the spot even if today the many instant messengers allow to keep a rapid contact with the whole world.
Changing your routine
Even if everyone says “run away,” a routine always sets in. It is not necessarily negative but it is a comfort of life in which one likes. So do not wait too long before jostling your daily life. To succeed in taking a step back on your life and moving away from it to live a new experience will only be more enriching for you.