Thanks to digital, distance is no longer an obstacle in many sectors of activity, including real estate. The buyer and the seller can easily manage a real estate transaction in France from abroad thanks to digital solutions that can dematerialize documents and the process. How exactly does it work?
1. Real estate investment in France
The real estate investment is an investment that reassures the French, whether they are residents of France or expatriates. Indeed, it is the first choice of investment for 70% of them.
The profitability of a real estate project presents a real convincing argument: besides, investing in this sector is considered to be the best-performing choice for 20 years compared to the savings account, gold, insurance life or actions.
Today, the context of the real estate sector in France presents a great opportunity. Interest rates are very advantageous: the average rate is 1.44% and can reach 1.22% on a credit of 15 years duration.
2. How to manage your investment remotely?
Digital has seduced investors. According to the barometer #Digimmo 2018 conducted by “Pierre et Vacances conseil”, 82% of acquirers use digital as part of their real estate project.
Indeed, realizing a real estate investment at a distance becomes much simpler. Many players in the sector offer digital services to attract non-French residents who wish to acquire and manage a property in the country. Digital plays an important role in the transformation of the market. Take the example of the visits: virtual reality, which has gained ground in real estate, allows the visit of goods from a distance.
Take the example of My expat, which offers a 100% digital and secure solution that allows any expatriate to realize his real estate project remotely, without any travel expenses, without loss of time and especially without worries.
The management of the various stages of the real estate transaction is done through a dedicated and secure interface where all the documents are shared.
It is no longer necessary to travel miles to France to visit a property or to sign administrative documents. Something to please expatriate investors.
3. How to sell one’s property remotely?
Thanks to the dematerialization of transactions, the sale of housing can also be done online, through real estate platforms.
Digital tools are an advantage for the seller: apart from the removal of geographical barriers, 80% of investors believe that online information enrich the real estate offer and 62% think that online search is more fun thanks to digital. Plus, viewing customer reviews is a reflex that many buyers already have. Indeed, 25% of buyers say that digital increases their confidence in their real estate project. All of these factors encourage the buyer, and therefore, presents more opportunities to any owner looking to sell his property.