Would you like to welcome someone in the Schengen area (friends, family, employees …)? Your host will need a schengen visa ! Obtaining this visa means having an “accommodation certificate” and a Schengen visa compliant insurance.
What documents do I need to obtain a Schengen Visa?
Here is a summary of the necessary documents to prepare your Schengen visa application:
- A passport valid for more than 6 months after the validity of the visa has expired
- An accommodation certificate
- A letter of introduction
- Proof of regular income (32.50 € per day if you are hosted by a relative // 65 € per day for other travelers)
- Travel insurance covering medical care and medical repatriation with a coverage of at least 30,000 euros
- Round trip ticket
What is an accommodation certificate?
The accommodation certificate is a document that notifies you that you accept to host an individual of a foreign nationality at your residence during his stay in the Schengen area. It is necessary to prove the solvency of the host. Indeed, you must have sufficient resources to host this person. Nationalities concerned are non-Europeans who wish to spend less than three months in France or in Europe on a family, private or professional visit.
Where do you have to apply for the accomodation certificate for the Schengen visa?
The request is made in the town hall of your place of residence to the “General Affairs” department. The town hall will ask you to provide various documents such as:
- Your identity card, passport or residence permit if you are not European
- Your last 3 pay slips + your last tax notice
- Proof of accommodation: lease or title
- Photocopy of your passport
- 30 euros in tax stamp (only one stamp if possible)
- If the certificate concerns a minor, a parental authorization will also be required.
- The passport number of the person you are attending.
Namely, the application can be refused if you do not meet the criteria.
The accommodation certificate is delivered within 48 hours after validation. You will then have to send the original version of the document (no photocopy) to the person you are hosting.
Why purchase a Schengen insurance?
On the certificate issued you will find a statement indicating that you or the person you are hosting, agrees to take out an international health insurance covering the repatriation of health and medical expenses up to a minimum coverage of € 30,000.
Even if the planned stay is short-term, no one is safe from an accident or illness. In this case, the expenses incurred by incidents may be quite high, especially if the person’s state of health requires repatriation to his country of origin.
Without health insurance, the health costs are entirely at your charge or for the hosted person.
What purchase insurance Schengen ?
Mondassur offers you the Schengen Europe Access insurance which offers you protection for any stay of up to 90 days within the Schengen area. You can subscribe up to 75 years. You can request a free quote and take out travel insurance for the Schengen area extended to the countries of Europe through a secure transaction on our website. The protection you need at an affordable price. For a stay of 15 days, you have a protection for 34 euros; 79 euros for a period of 3 months. This insurance also guarantees civil liability. It is important to take out travel insurance to protect you and your family against any incident and keep peace of mind while on vacation.
Why choose Schengen Europe Access from Mondassur?
This health insurance abroad covers travelers worldwide up to 75 years. Mondassur will also offer insurance plans for persons over 75 years old. To obtain Schengen visas and to travel freely in the Schengen area, it is essential to have Schengen Visa insurance. Mondassur guarantees you an insurance according to requests from 29 € including:
- Coverage for medical costs
- Assistance repatriation
- Private liability
- Coverage throughout the European Union
Mondassur saves you time and money having compared different insurance plans for this type of situation and giving you the opportunity to obtain your Schengen visa insurance certificate immediately. Our team is also available to answer your questions by mail and telephone.
Each insured has a medical platform 24/7 available from all over the world.