Looking for a job in France has some specificities that we want to share with you. Before you head headlong...

Real estate from abroad: how does it work?
Thanks to digital, distance is no longer an obstacle in many sectors of activity, including real estate. The buyer and...

What’s the point in getting a repatriation insurance?
If you plan to go abroad, for a trip or for expatriation, you probably heard about repatriation insurance. Whether you’ve...

Study in France this year
Are you leaving for a university exchange in September? Make sure you are well prepared before you leave. It would also be...

Self-insure abroad : a real solution ?
Are you going in France ? Some travelers or expatriates choose to self-insure so as not to pay the cost...

How to study in France – the key steps
Studying abroad can be one of the best decisions of your life. You can discover a new culture, another language...

Travels and celebrations: Easter traditions around the world
Apart from chocolates, what do we eat at Easter? In Italy, you can eat a good bun called “Colomba”, while...
Happy New Year
Best wishes for the New Year ! The whole France-Insurance team wishes you a happy new year. We hope that...

5 must-visit places in Paris
If you are planning to visit France, or even more: to settle in France, there are some spots you definitely need...